What is new

What is new in Fitting Version 5.84 (20 November 2024)
- New option in Report > List Invoices to list invoices by client tag or by Client group
- Fix issue with returning Stock on hand
- New option to list clients by Email address in Report > List Clients
- Updated Statutory Declaration form

What is new in Fitting Version 5.84 (3 November 2024)
- New option in Report > List Claims to only list Fitting Items
- New option in Report > List Claims to only list Maintenance Items
- New option in Report > List Claims to only list Client Review Items
- New option in Report > List Claims to only list Client Rehabilitation Items
- The Claims are now stamped with the creator's initials (set in Setup > Set User Defaults)
- The Hearing tests are now stamped with the creator's initials
- The Hearing aids are now stamped with the creator's initials
- New option in Data Entry Notes and Outcomes to export selected entries only, for relocated clients for example
- When returning a Loan aid, it is now automatically marked as a Returned Loan
- Saving letters in Data entry now defaults to Document folder
- Closing the Note / Outcome without saving or cancelling now requires confirmation to prevent data loss

What is new in Fitting Version 5.83 (22 August 2024)
- New option to use your own Maintenance agreement. Can be selected in Setup> Maintenance > Maintenance Agreement. Your maintenance agreement is then created as a letter template in Setup > Letter Templates.
  A sample containing the same text as the official agreement is available as My_Maint_Agreement.rtf to get you started. You then become responsible for the content of the agreement.
- New option to list inactive clients in Report > List Clients > Clients
- When renewing a HS card and the voucher has expired, you get a warning, but now has choice to continue anyway
- New field in the Stock on Hand screen to allow marking an item as Returned, which unticks the Sold flag automatically
- On the main screen, New Quick report option to manage Workcover clients list and maintenance
- New option in the Hearing aid data entry to select the "Side Type" as "Part Left" or "Part Right". This allow selection of Parts from the Accessories list.
- Parts can be listed separately in Report > List Aids
- New option in the claim to mark it as recovered.
- Recovered claima can be listed in Report > List Claims > Recovered
- Improved listing of HSP Clients due for Rehabilitation (Items 680-681)
- Visists can now be listed for Active OR Inactive clients

What is new in Fitting Version 5.82 (15 June 2024)
- New HSP item prices are now included for year 2025-2025, but the 2023-2024 prices are still available in the software.
- This update automatically updates the maintenance and co-payment prices but if your Topup maintenance prices are different from the basic cost, you will need to adjust them yourself in Setup > Preference > Maintenance
- When you add a claim, the HSP Item prices (23-24 or 24-25) are automatically selected based on the date of service.
- The old prices will be availble until the end of August
- New ability in the Invoice Charge code to specify an Hourly rate, and a default duration for that code
- Hourly Rate charge codes can be selected in invoices. The software will make the required calculations based on the duration In the printed invoice the quantity is then displayed as hours and minutes.
- The Health Fund number has been added to the list of fields in the merge letters.
- The Stock OnHand now includes the supplier's invoice number.
- When selecting a Stock OnHand, the supplier's invoice number is automatically copied to the Hearing Aid record
- You can now print a Stock OnHand report from the Stock selection screen
- New field in the Client to record a possible preferred name. This is only for verbal communications with the client.

What is new in Fitting Version 5.81 (7 May 2024)
- New calculation of the voucher expiry date as required by HSP from May 2, 2024
 Validity before May 1st, 2024 = 1 year+1 day, example from may 2,2024 to May 2,2025, renew on May 3
 Validity after that = just one year, Example from may 2,2024 to May 1,2025,, renew on May 2
- Improved Device quote for HSP Clients
- New HSP Quick Reports available directly from the main menu. Can be setup as weekly or monthly in Setup > Preference > Options

What is new in Fitting Version 5.80 (13 March 2024)
- The name of Documents exported to pdf and rtf now automatically include the unique internal unique client ID
- Improved List HSP Client with aids older than 5 year

What is new in Fitting Version 5.80 (26 February 2024)
- Wax filter is now copied when adding an aid for the other side
- Fix possible error with Device quote accessory not showing
- New selection of 3 templates for sending SMS. These templates are saved when created the first time you use them.
 The new template becomes available next time you want to use it.
- All the SMS templates can be pre-entered in Setup > Preference > SMS
- Improved Recall visit list with mobile and other phone number
- New choice to have only Active clients in list visits
- New HSP "Lost Device Declaration" Form now available in Data Entry > Forms

What is new in Fitting Version 5.79 (8 February 2024)
- New "Find date" option in the appointment manager to speed up change of dates
- When adding a duplicate client name, you can now select to copy the data or have empty fields to start with
- In the appointment screen, the "Arrived" icon now has precedence and is displayed leftmost to be more visible
- Carers details are now properly inserted in letters if "Use Carer's address" selected
- Prevent Item 4 to report as review required in Client Review management

What is new in Fitting Version 5.78 (22 December 2023)
- New warning system for errors on Claim form
- Visits can now be set for 2 or 5 Years recall
- Data can now be captured from Maestro Audiometer module (Triangle, Picolo, etc audiometers etc.)
- There are now 12 more Appointment purposes, in Setup > Appointment Setup
- Add selection by group to the list of clients with no visits
- Improve display of Invoice Items in Data entry
- Fix Locked GST amount when creating invoice automatically with the Device Quote
- Fix device quote GST error when doing a 840 right side only
- Add The missing hearing Aid Side in "Export Hearing Aids" to Excel
- New option in Device Quote to specify if an accessory is paid by Client or HSP
- PDF encryption can now be managed more easily from Setup > Preference > Printing > PDF

What is new in Fitting Version 5.76 (28 November 2023)
- New label in data entry, and Client add screen saying 'Sensitive Personal Data' for HSP clients to Meet HSP requirements
- Updated Maintenance agreement
- New report in the Process menu to list Batteries and Maintenance due
- New option in Setup > Printing to select what application opens .RTF files
- Export tests to pdf now saves the entire test data
- Next Visit due date field now in the Client screen.
- When changing a visit recall date, in the visit tab, the client Visit dues date will automatically match the visit recall date
- New Report > List Client > By Next Visit due date option
- New option in List doctors to export data to MailChimp for mass emailing.
- This option only includes doctors who have an email adress

What is new in Fitting Version 5.75 (24 August 2023)
- Maintenance agreements can now be created as PDF in the process screen.
   A separate creation folder should be selected in Setup > Preference > Saving specifically for the Maintenance agreements,
  they can then be attached to client emails
- When opening a CRM document in rtf format, the Wizard now displays the document, rather than using Word or Notepad which may alter the format
- New selection in Send Batches of claims to show only the claims sent or not sent

What is new in Fitting Version 5.74 (28 July 2023)
- New Preferred contact details: Carer and Carer's Mob.
- Items 680 and 681 can now be claimed if client is topup, after confirmation message
- New Device quote version from HSP
- Device quote will now create discount invoice item if needed
- New field in Appointment data In to show Client arrived
- New display for HSP Device quotes. Double quotes for Topup no longer required
- New print out for HSP Device quotes. Please review your text of quote to make sure it conforms to new HSP directives, particularly regarding Bluetooth and remote configurations.
  Only the first one is free, next ones can now be charged to the client.
- Improve calculations of Device quotes with refunds
- HSP items 680-681 can now be claimed for low end Topups
- New Preferred contact method : Carer's mobile
- Updated Maintenance agreement

What is new in Fitting Version 5.73 (20 June 2023)
- New carer details now available in the Client screen
- Carer details can now be included in Letter templates
- Longer Reference/Referral field in Client record
- New fields in the Client screen: Work cover number and Health Fund number
- New Wax Filter field in the Hearing Aid
- New better layout of Hearing aid data
- New 2023-2024 HSP price update

What is new in Fitting Version 5.72 (19 May 2023)
- List Clients to Excel now includes Last Aid fitting date and last appointment date to help with Data analysis
- Finalise Medicare batch reconcile process with file multi-select
- Device quote improvements
- Improve List Expired Voucher so it can list expiries set in the future
- Add Cochlear Implant to list of Severities in Hearing test
- Browse invoice now default to show latest invoices
- Stock list now defaults to Model order on first selection
- Editing an invoice from Browse invoices now displays the correct client name
- Listing All Outcomes no longer includes deleted Outcomes

What is new in Fitting Version 5.71 (31 March 2023)
- Improved visit recall date selection
- Finalise Medicare batch creation process
- Make maintenance type selection more flexible
- OnHand date of purchase is now copied to the hearing aid when selected
- New option in CRM to select multiple files
- Longer field length for document names in CRM
- Listing client to an Excel file will now include date of last hearing aid and last appointments

What is new in Fitting Version 5.68 (24 January 2023)
- A number of small tweaks have been implemented
- The client Liaison form has been updated to reflect latest requirements
- There is a new option for SMS to have either the site name {8} or the full site address {9}
- The Client file label has been updated with more field options, selectable in Setup > Page Setup > Label

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